He is an expert in love, and he is experienced. Naturally, you can see that Xianjian Daojun is casually perfunctory.

The other is a snow fairy.
Because the former xianjian daojun also expressed his love to her, but she refused.
In the battle of the red dharma body, the red hair danced and the body was full of flames and coercion. I didn’t continue to kill.
Extremely angry, Daojun looked at the fairy sword and fled to the distance, and his eyes flashed mockingly. "This year’s law list is really bad, so it’s the first in the law list!"
Xian Jian Dao Jun clenched his teeth and the veins stood out on his forehead.
In the eyes of the public, this fiasco humiliated him!
It won’t be long before this fiasco will spread all over Zhongzhou and fix the true world!
Xianjian Daojun’s heart is full of resentment and anger!
His eyes are extremely hot. Jun and Su Mo keep turning.
Today’s humiliation was given to him by a very angry gentleman, and that Sumo can’t get away from it!
If he had been able to grab the Sword Killing Tactics and practice in Wanyao Valley, today’s World War I would have been the opposite outcome!
Jihuo Daojun waved his hand and said coldly, "Remember not to come to me again after you get out of here. I’ll teach you a lesson this time!"
"This old thing!"
Sex is a dark curse in your heart.
He is extremely angry, angry and bloody, and he will kill and kill completely. Several immortals will make enemies and make enemies.
I didn’t expect to stop when I was extremely angry!
This is the extremely hot gentleman!
Right, this is just right!
Not a few immortals have made bad friends, but at the same time they have achieved the goal of intimidating!
Today, not only are they going to retreat, but those who want to move Su Mo in the future will also need some Zhou Zhang.
It’s like this kind of situation of rushing directly to the top of the chain will never happen again.
"Extreme fire insults me today and will be reported tomorrow!"
Xianjian Daojun clenched his fists almost with his teeth.
"You have no chance."
Extreme fire said simply, "I have to thank you so much that I can get a breakthrough opportunity so quickly!" "
Many Dao Jun’s heart is startled.
Wouldn’t a breakthrough in the legal environment be a perfect environment?
Xianjian Daojun also recognized the extreme fire Daojun’s implication that Qi and blood are once again spitting out an old blood and looking depressed.
A complete failure!
This world war I was extremely hot, and Jungen didn’t look at him!
Extreme fire Dao Jun just used him to intimidate and even make a stepping stone!