"Unknown sword" I suddenly realized to see Qiu Nuo’s "heavenly sword! When you gave me the heavenly sword in the Trilogy of Reality, you had already thought about a good way, just to let me finally kill the heavenly sword. "

"The heavenly sword is attached to the surface of the heavenly emperor’s body, and it doesn’t end well. It’s true that dragon day is more evil than hatred, and his heart is good and evil. It’s evil to attack poison with a heavenly sword, which can really kill him."
I took a deep breath, not because I was afraid of the first magical power of Xuanmen, but because everything was arranged for me until the end.
"Even if I can kill Mi Qi … what about Yue Qianling?" Qiu Nuo and I looked at each other seriously and asked, "They both have the same heart. I killed Mi Qi as I killed Yue Qianling."
"This doesn’t worry you that there are two sides to the seven exquisite hearts, one side is good, and the other side is evil. The heavenly sword can eliminate evil and touch the bad. Your heavenly sword kills the habitat, but it purifies the seven exquisite hearts contaminated by magic, and it is like saving Yue Qianling."
"How can I believe how much of what you say is true and how much is false?" Xiao Lianshan came over and he has always had a bad impression on Qiu Nuo. He came to divide people’s feelings into grievances. How can he believe Qiu Nuo if he still hates her?
Qiu Nuo didn’t go to see Xiao Lianshan’s eyes, but his eyes were still intertwined with mine, and gradually his mouth became warped with a meaningful smile.
"Whether I say it’s true or not, you can listen to it or not, just like going to the Five Mountains to arouse the power of Qi habitat. No one has ever had that knife holder, and it’s the same now. I just tell you a way to do it or not, depending on your own choice. You don’t need to believe me."
I was just about to say something when I suddenly remembered Xu Jing. I once asked him about the safety of Yu Yue Qianling. He once gave me the word "life and death". I thought about it at that time, and I couldn’t figure out the meaning of it. Now look at Qiu Nuo. It’s finally Bai Yue Qianling’s life and death. If I am the last one.
I turned around and said to Xiao Lianshan, let him start back to Longhu Mountain and go to Tianwang Tower to find Mu Xixi, the snow belt is in a coma, and Yue Qianling immediately rushed to Jingzhao Qin Mausoleum. Wen Zhuo and I went to the nether world to find Yue Qianling’s soul, and this time came.
Xiao Lianshan took a look at Qiu Nuo and still had some doubts about what to say. I shook my hand and interrupted him. I told Xiao Lianshan seriously.
"Time is running out. Do as I say. If you can save Qianling, everyone will be happy. If someone cheats me into offering sacrifices to Qianling’s soul, then others will not go out any more. Just be buried with Qianling."
I said this, Qiu Nuo, and I believe that she should understand the meaning of my words. Xiao Lianshan no longer argues with me and knows that it is urgent to let Wen Zhuo and I be careful all the way. There is no superfluous words and turn away.
Qiu Nuo smiled calmly, and her face always looked like a winner. Suddenly I turned to look at her seriously.
"When I broke the mana seal in the last fourteen tombs, I remembered some intermittent memories … you know Ying Zheng and have always been in the memories left in Yuanyang, Ying Zheng around Ying Zheng. I see that you and Ying Zheng are extraordinary. You said that everything will end from the sacrificial palace. Now I have decided to open the sacrificial palace. Can you tell me who you really are? And … you can’t have immortality even if you have advanced Taoism. How do you do that? "
Qiu Nuo looked up and looked at me with another kind of eyes. I was quiet and indifferent. My eyes were silent for a moment and then I answered.
"You also know who I am and how I can be immortal. You will know all this, but you will remember everything when you get back to the sacrificial palace. You will remember it when I don’t tell you."
I raised my hand and had a small porcelain vase in my heart.
"Wu Zetian gave it to me. It’s a pity that I don’t know what to do now. Since I have something with you, you should know."
Qiu Nuo glanced at the porcelain bottle in my hand and suddenly felt a little disappointed and faint smile.
"Keep it. Maybe you’ll have a shrine …"
"There is Jiuding, the No.1 Jiuding in Kyushu Ding. What I saw in those memories was that you kept it. Even Ying Zheng didn’t want to know that you were the only one who knew the No.1 Jiuding." I asked seriously.
"Qin Huang is going to melt and destroy the Kyushu tripod, but the ninth Jiuding has divine power to protect and destroy it, and Qin Huang is worried that it will fall into the hands of the later world and let me hide."
"You’ve always hinted that I’m afraid it’s just an excuse to go to the nether world to save Qian Ling. You want me to go to the nether world to find the ninth Jiuding, right?" I asked thoughtfully with a frown.
"You guessed that Jiuding I hid the nether world, but I found that Jiuding is no longer blessed by divine power. Jiuding is the general outline of the Dragon Armor and the essence. Now you learn to hide the dragon for nine days and believe that the last Jiuding avatar is a piece of cake."
"Are you really going to let me learn all the Dragon Armor medals?" I’m a little surprised at Qiu Nuo.
"How do you think you can defeat Mi Qi by hiding the dragon for nine days now?" Qiu Nuo answered irrelevant questions and looked me in the eye. "If you think so, it’s throwing straws against the wind. Even if you learn the Dragon Armor, you should know that the habitat is already well integrated, but you don’t have a glimpse of it. Even if you go all out, you have a 30% chance of winning."
"Since you have the heart to let me learn from the Ten Sides of the Dragon Armor, where do you hide the Ninth Jiuding?"
"Don’t you worry that I will take you there?"
"…" I looked at Qiu Nuo in surprise. "You … you’re going to the underworld, too?"
Chapter 17 Wen Zhuolai
Emei Mountain is one of the four Buddhist Dojo. Wannian Temple is a rare Taoist temple, but it is also a Buddhist family. Wen Zhuo is very familiar with it. He takes us into the mountains by taking paths. I heard that Emei Mountain Xiujia Tianyi came all the way to truly appreciate the beauty of Emei Mountain.
Baiyun rises from Ran Ran, Wanhe, Qian Shan in an instant. The horizon is smooth and thick, and the edge of the mountain is moist. When the mountain wind blows, the sea of clouds drifts away and the mountains become islands in the sea. The sea of clouds gathers and Qian Shan Wanhe is hidden.
Wannian Temple is hidden in this sea of clouds. The Taoist priests who welcome guests are two Kundao. If you want to meet them, please teach them to take us to the back wing to serve tea. Let us wait for Emei tea. Emei snow buds are green tea, and tea in the depths of the sea of clouds has a unique flavor.
Wen Zhuo became reticent. I found that he hasn’t spoken since he came here. After about one wick of incense, he followed the two Kundao to come in. The female white robe was as refreshing as the water lotus, and her manners were elegant and quiet.
Kun Dao said that the female palm teacher elder sister listened to the title and status, but when she came in, her eyes fell on Wen Zhuo first, and it was also a debt. The only thing that made me sure was Wen Zhuo’s peach blossom. Although the flowers were shaking, every one was really extraordinary. He had to say that it was really high when he looked at women.
However, in my memory, it seems that he provoked a woman and hated him. Even Wen Zhuo knows it well, but in the eyes, this one seems to be a lot more gentle and graceful, with a little smile that gives people a deep affinity. It can be seen that this woman is soft and quiet.
Seeing that I am a teacher at a young age, I think it is compulsory. Wen Zhuo really has something to provoke. There are all well-known women. I think with a wry smile in my heart that a person has to deal with so many kinds of women, and he is not tired.
The woman told me to lead the way. Two Kundao retired first, and the sun outside the door creaked. One stopped the haze outside. Wen Zhuo’s face was covered. I found that now he is a look of death.
When a woman walks up to Wen Zhuo, it seems that she can see Wen Zhuo in her eyes all the time. Seeing Wen Zhuo’s reaction, I guess it’s probably another negative woman. I really don’t know how much debt he owes. Looking at a woman Wen Wan should scold him for a long time.
The result surprised me. Without saying anything, the woman raised her hand and slapped Wen Zhuo in the face with a heavy slap. Five fingerprints were clearly visible. I looked at this sudden change and was speechless.
"The year before last, you made me watch the sunrise in Emei Mountain, and I sat alone for one night. You left me a goodbye letter without saying goodbye. I left you this slap for three years."
Wen Zhuo rubbed his cheek and said it was true that he was still smiling at the corners of his mouth. He just wanted to be interrupted by that woman.
"If you dare to come, just say that you must have something to beg me for. Since you are begging me, be good."
I suddenly found that all that glitters is not gold. This woman is not gentle and graceful. Giving her an army can fight against all directions. I told you that being a teacher would not be so good. Wen Zhuo is not easy to provoke, so I don’t know what he should do.