After all, the highest title now is just a god warrior.

Once your brother is blocked, the Marquis will definitely become a target.
After all, this rose too fast.
And the opposite Wei Yun implement immediately froze after seeing the queen’s reaction.
Thinking about talking and laughing with each other, because he himself knows very well that my little brother’s achievements are indeed great, but his qualifications are not enough. When he joined the army, he was at the very most for less than two months.
It is indeed too much to seal the marquis directly, and ministers will certainly not agree
But now because of the queen’s words, a different idea emerged in his heart.
Just can’t really seal the little brother directly to the marquis?
This will not only solve the reward problem
More importantly,
Your own actions will certainly cause dissatisfaction among courtiers and military commanders.
At the same time, maybe it can make my little brother proud.
So the fate will be affected accordingly.
But Wei Yun Yi is very clear.
In this respect, we must consider carefully to arouse the dissatisfaction of the military commanders, but we must not let these people have rebellious psychology.
When a bad king doesn’t want to do whatever he wants, especially for himself, what can he say about the Grand Canal or the reform?
It is because of the loyalty of the great Wei million-strong army that it holds the army, even if the court officials have opinions in their hearts.
But I dare not directly offend Tianyan. In short, the emperor is a powerful hand.
And there is an army in hand, which is also the biggest reliance of Wei Yun.
He must be strong to be a bad king.
Otherwise, the root can’t be taken.
Therefore, this matter must be well grasped.
After a little thinking, Wei Yun Yi paused and then smiled, "I, Da Wei, will reward the guilty and punish the guilty. My little brother has made such a great contribution, and the soldiers in Liaozhen have made great contributions this time."
"But don’t worry, Queen, you said that I would naturally think about it. You are pregnant now, so don’t worry too much."
For the little brother and Liao town soldiers, such as rewards, he already has a general idea in his heart.
What to do specifically still needs to be considered.
And Wei Yun said so.
Mainly to comfort the queen
Don’t want the other party to worry too much.
"Is the pursuit" Song Youwei smell speech immediately also didn’t say much.
But the idea in my heart is that I hope you don’t reward your brother too much.
Sister, she knows each other too well, and she is crazy. Now she has destroyed a country in the first war, and now she must be the right person.
It would be arrogant to reward another marquis, which is not what she wants to see.
After the queen Wei Yun Yi chatted for two sentences.
I left Kunshou Palace.
But he didn’t go to Ying Guifei’s bedroom either.
Anyway, there have been no major events recently, and the construction of the straight canal has been carried out in an orderly manner, and nothing will go wrong.
Now Wei Yun is the most powerful player.
It’s Dahuandan, and it’s still refining
Therefore, he is now directly back to the bedroom to practice Tianhua Dragon Sutra.
This martial art can be cultivated into a sage in the martial arts, and it takes more thought to be so tough.
After all, you have to wait until you have learned this martial art to help you, so you may not be unable to resist walking out of the celestial gate.
What about Yu Youwei? After seeing Wei Yun leave, I also think about it in my heart.
Now my younger brother is going to move troops back to Korea because of the national destruction.
At that time, the people in Jingshi will definitely welcome them.
Brother sex will definitely be proud.
But now the other party is a general in the DPRK, not a former dude, and his every move has attracted much attention.
If you are caught by a willing heart and exaggerate some problems, you will definitely get into trouble.
Now that I have a harem, I can’t do anything
At this moment she decided
I have to write a letter to my father so that the other party can persuade a younger brother.
Song Youwei is still very confident about her father’s stability, otherwise she would not have stayed in Dali Temple for so many years.
Immediately, he did not hesitate to go back to the bedroom to write home.
At the same time,
Song Guanwen sat in the theme and looked at the book in his hand. A smile appeared on his face. "Very good, very good. Sun Daren didn’t expect that you would get everything ready when this happened."