"Miss Xia, I’m afraid to go out now that I have everything. I want to commit suicide, but it’s too much talking when I walk alone on the road. Will you accompany me?" Lin Shiyun is like a bloodthirsty maniac at the moment.

"What’s wrong with you? Why should I accompany you? " Xia Zhu feels that the woman in front of him is terrible.
"Are you still talking?" Lin Shiyun growled.
Xia Zhu turned pale with fear from her, and she still felt powerless until she recovered. She knew that she was fighting like a lamb to be slaughtered.
"Somebody help …" Xia Zhugang sent a distress signal and his neck was pinched by a pair of hands.
The sound came to an abrupt end. Xia Zhu felt that she was breathing. She tried to take those hands from her neck, but she couldn’t.
Her feet are kicking hard, but Lin’s eyes are getting more and more cruel, and she can see the happy light of pride and impending success. For her at this time, this is not a deprivation of life, but a enjoyment.
Xia Zhuzhu struggled and consciously grabbed Lin Shiyun’s hair. Because she finally caught something in her hand, she didn’t want to relax but kept pulling.
"Ah ~" Lin Shiyun felt a burning pain in her head, which forced her to relax and pinch Xia Zhu’s neck.
Xia Zhu clutched a wisp of hair tightly in one hand, while in the other hand, he was clutching his neck and coughing desperately, and his face was livid.
Lin Shiyun is even more angry. She has no way out. She is really cornered. Her only thought is to die with Xia Zhu.
"You must accompany me to death today!" Lin Shiyun Yin mercilessly finished and descended again.
Xia Zhu, of course, won’t do nothing this time, but do her best to roll over from the hospital bed to the other side and hit the floor. At that moment, she felt that her bones were falling apart.
"I see where you can hide." Lin Shiyun crawled into the hospital bed with a cold hum, but accidentally touched her injured toe, which made her cry out in pain.
The pain of connecting fingers is really unbearable. Although the swelling has subsided, after all, it has not been fully recovered. I just forgot that I was injured when I was chasing Xia Zhu.
This also gave Xia Zhu a chance to get up from the ground and want to escape into hygiene when she regained her physical strength, but she didn’t take two steps and suddenly felt that her patient was caught, and then her body fell backwards.
The patient’s collar strangled Xia Zhu’s neck and Lin’s poetic face caught Xia Zhu’s eyelids. She trembled and felt that she was going to die.
At this time, I suddenly heard that the ward door seemed to be hit by footsteps, and then I quickly came to Xia Zhu’s consciousness, but I could strongly feel the breath of Bai Yinting.
Almost in a second, her body was released. With the woman exclaiming that Xia Zhu was breathing heavily and coughing hard, she turned her head and just saw Bai Yinting pull Lin Shiyun’s arm and drag her away. It was a slap in the face.
"Ahem ~" Xia Zhu was worried that Bai Yinting’s violent behavior would get him into trouble again.
Bai Yinting soon came to Xia Zhu’s side and carried her to the hospital bed and shouted Huang Yubo.
"Three-dimensional court …" Xia Zhu had difficulty breathing, but she was much more at ease when she saw Bai Yin court.
Lin Shiyun sat down to one side, and her face was burning, and her stomach ached, and her whole heart trembled violently, but she was somewhat numb.
She knew Bai yinting would not let her go, and she was unwilling to almost fail.
Carefully touch out the blade. Lin Shiyun’s eyes narrowed. She got up quietly. Huang Yubo hurried over with people.
"Go, go, go!" Bai yinting’s heart is about to break.
Xia Zhu’s face is ugly. She holds Bai Yinting’s hand tightly and doesn’t want to shed tears. She has a lot to say but can’t say a word.
Huang Yubo was also very nervous and told the nurse to put an oxygen mask on Xia Zhu first.
And Bai yinting didn’t go out this time, but kept holding Xia Zhu’s hand. Xia Zhu was still conscious. She narrowed her eyes and looked at Bai yinting’s chest. She couldn’t die. She had to live.
"Xia Zhu, you must hold on. We haven’t had it for decades. How can you bear to leave me alone to die?" Bai yinting’s voice is soft
Lin Shiyun’s eyes are full of jealousy. Bai Yinting’s gentleness to Xia Zhu makes her feel more strongly that the world is unfair to her.
With a blade in her hand, she is always looking for opportunities. Xia Zhu’s bare neck and wrist are full of temptations for Lin Shiyun.
"Yubo? Why is it so difficult to breathe? " Bai yinting is really anxious
"Don’t worry, she must have touched the wound just now. She must be calmed down first." Huang Yubo gave Xia Zhu medicine.
Just at this time, Bai Yinting inadvertently turned to see Lin Shiyun. For her, Bai Yinting couldn’t wait for her to disappear from this world.
Lin Shiyun couldn’t help shuddering. Her brain was in a hurry and she didn’t have too many thoughts, just like she received a signal and rushed away!
Chapter one hundred and thirty-five I am also a tooth for a tooth
Everything happened so fast that everyone paid attention to saving Xia Zhushen and Lin Shiyun. The sudden attack was beyond everyone’s expectation.
Even Bai Yinting didn’t expect Lin Shiyun to have such courage. Is she really crazy?
He saw Lin Shiyun suddenly rushing in, and there was resentment against Xia Zhufa in his eyes, but he didn’t notice the blade in her hand.
Just when Bai Yinting stopped Lin Shiyun, he felt his wrist hurt. The feeling of being cut by something sharp made him frown slightly but didn’t hold Lin Shiyun’s hand.
Lin Shiyun stared at Bai Yinting in horror. Bai Yinting’s eyes almost sprayed flames, turned around and choked Lin Shiyun’s neck with blood, forcing her to retreat step by step.
"Lin Shiyun, you really don’t want to live, do you?" Bai yinting’s patience has been worn away.
Lin Shiyun can’t speak. Her fate is in Bai Yinting’s hands. She knows it very well, but she is really facing death. She admits that she is afraid.
"Three-dimensional court calm down." Huang Yubo hurried over to stop him, which would be fatal.
"If I didn’t get to her, Xia Zhu would have killed me. This is also a tooth for a tooth." Bai Yinting didn’t mean to let go.
"Xia Zhu certainly doesn’t want you to do this. Do you want her to wake up and not see you?" Huang Yubo grabbed Bai Yinting’s wrist.
But he didn’t think it was his Lin Shiyun who interceded and Lin Shiyun suddenly scratched the blade in his hand to Huang Yubo’s arm.
Huang Yubo was unguarded and felt a stabbing pain in his arm, and then there was a bloody mouth, and the blood slowly infiltrated and then flowed down his arm.
Bai yinting’s nerves were completely provoked, and he could bear to endure Lin shiyun’s body hitting the wall, and then he heard a stuffy hum from her, and then his face was painful, and the blade fell to his hands and covered his belly.
"Oh, my God, it’s bleeding!"
A nurse shouted loudly that Huang Yubo didn’t react and said that his arm turned to find the nurse running over, but his eyes were fixed on Lin Shiyun’s leg.
He didn’t notice that Lin Shiyun’s legs were bleeding. Worse, she had a miscarriage.
"Yin Ting, stop it." Huang Yubo felt that things were not good.
Bai yinting also regained her composure, and let go of her grip on Lin shiyun’s neck. Lin shiyun slipped painfully and sat on the floor, but a smile appeared on her mouth. She stared at Bai yinting and gave people a sense of inexplicable pride and pride.
"Are you deliberately provoking me?" Bai yinting suddenly understood the rhyme of Lin Shi.
She just wants to abort herself, win the last sympathy of the world and get her last revenge on him.
After all, no matter how cruel it is to children, Bai Yinting just forgot Lin Shiyun’s pregnancy, and now she has some regrets.
"Hurry to rescue and see if there is any hope" Bai Yinting nasty.
Doctors and nurses are busy again, but Lin Shiyun is struggling for her life. She doesn’t cooperate and seems to have no feelings for the child.
No wonder it is also painful for her to stay with a child who doesn’t know who his father really is.
Things went beyond Bai Yinting’s expectation. After he knew that Lin Shiyun didn’t go to the restaurant, he had a presentiment that something was wrong and hurried back to the hospital by intuition, so he would just bump into the scene just now.
He admitted that there was a place in his heart to vent his anger, and Lin Shiyun succeeded in teasing him to burn the flame again and again, but the result was not what he wanted.
Lin’s poetry is full of luck, and Xia Zhu’s state is not very good. Whose fault is this?
Bai Yinting had a headache and returned to Xia Zhu’s bed. She had settled down, breathing normally and sleeping soundly, but her eyebrows were still gloomy.
"Yin Ting" Huang Yubo came in and brought some medicine and iodophor to Bai Yin Ting to treat the wound.
"Are you seriously injured?" Bai yinting looked at him apologetically.
"Nothing" Huang Yubo’s injury has been treated and bandaged up.
It is not Huang Yubo who can help to save Lin Shiyun’s child. After all, it belongs to the category of obstetrics and gynecology, and he is inconvenient to participate.
So he came to treat the wound for Bai Yinting once. His wrist was worn by a rope, and his skin was bloody and left a scar. Now Bai Yinting especially likes to wear a wristband to cover up the scar.
But now there is a black rubber band on the wrist. After seeing it, Huang Yubo couldn’t help wondering, "Are you going to grow long hair?"
"This is Xia Zhu" Bai Yinting roll their eyes Huang Yubo is really rare.
Huang Yubo, who was dealing with injuries and scratches, asked curiously, "Why does she tie her hair with a rubber band and wear your wrist?"
"Why are you so vulgar? I don’t understand." Bai Yinting suddenly said in a somewhat ostentatious tone. "She put this on my wrist, which means I’m already taken."
After Huang Yubo couldn’t help laughing, he even apologized. "I’m sorry, I didn’t expect you to be so naive. It’s so funny."
"This is love, do you understand? Love? " Bai yinting is not.
"Yes, yes, after you met Xia Zhu, your IQ plummeted completely. But after that, do you have to listen to Xia Zhu to change your bad temper?" Huang Yubo took the opportunity to say
How can Bai Yinting’s eyes turn to a cold face and get rid of such deep-rooted things at once?
He tried to control his temper, but he couldn’t!
"I’m afraid if Lin Shiyun’s child is gone, she will bite back. It seems that we want her to clarify the facts before." Huang Yubo changed the subject. He was very worried about Bai Yinting.