The bearded counselor smiled kindly, but did not answer first, but took out six magic weapons from the ring.

The three elders looked intently at the heart and were surprised. These six magic weapons are actually the first treasures.
The brothers around looked at these six pieces with dazzling light, and Tianbao was amazed at the extra desire for treasure.
You know, Wusheng Pavilion, which occupies the whole northern mainland, can’t afford six first treasures!
Compared with those three elders who put their thoughts on their faces, Wu Shengge’s younger brother looks a lot calmer.
He didn’t show his surprise. He knew it would be demeaning to show his surprise.
The Third Elder is a refined person. He smiled and exaggerated that "the butler is really good. At first, it is six things to treasure first."
At first, it’s six first treasures. It’s also serious to want to come here.
Thought of here, the three elders added, "There are many people and many eyes here. This brother can come into the house to discuss important matters."
The bearded counselor readily agreed.
When they entered the room, the bearded counselor revealed their purpose.
Although Lord Wu Shengge is not only out of the way for the butler.
The butler thinks that it is not the less master of Wusheng Pavilion, but the less master identity of Wusheng Pavilion, and the Wusheng Pavilion Sect behind Wusheng Pavilion.
After listening to the words of the bearded counselor, the Third Elder could not help admiring, "Good plan! Wonderful! Wonderful! If everything is as the cabinet said, the little boy will die! I’ve heard that there’s an ingenious counselor around the official’s master who really deserves his name at first sight recently! "
The bearded counselor is modest and says "false praise is false praise"
"It’s a deal. Then excuse me first."
"I hope it will be as smooth as the butler’s meeting and the pavilion said." The three elders got up and said that they were all smiles.
With that, the bearded counselor excused himself.
And the bearded counselor turned away from the three elders, and his face was gloomy directly. He said with a cold hum, "It’s really a good plan to spend these six innate treasures to get rid of the hidden danger of the Chinese Empire. It’s really wonderful."
A wise man can see from the words of the bearded counselor that this butler is not trying to kill Su Yu by Wu Shengge.
Although the butler is going to branch with Wusheng Pavilion, he is not going to send troops.
If you put the first three elders in this way, you will never agree.
But now that the northern mainland is facing danger, let him know that he and Wu Shengge will become a knife and be secretly promised to come.
Because he and the butler have a common enemy at this time.
To tell the truth, he feels that he and Su Yu are a bit like both born in four continents and have the same ambition, that is, to unify the four continents.
But the two make the way different.
Su Yu’s choice is to form a soil force to drive out the foreign invaders.
And the three elders choose to rule the whole Sifang continent with the help of extraterritorial forces, because it seems that the residents of Sifang continent are a group of mediocre people, and the roots can’t become a climate.
However, what happened recently made the three elders feel a little scared.
Without the help of high-ranking officials, the powerful Chinese Empire made the Three Elders feel incredible. He was a little skeptical that he had made the decision to join Wusheng Pavilion by conquering the four continents.
But whenever he doubts himself, the picture that made him miserable as a child will appear in front of him and a loud sound will appear in his heart.
"The four continents are all animals except themselves! Their generation is dominated and driven! "
At this moment, a wisp of murder and a biting color appeared on the face of the three elders.
"At that time to get rid of the feather small whole quartet continent is me! All the aborigines in this face will be driven by me! "
Soon there will be a peerless game in the northern mainland!
And Su Yu, who is going to get into this game, will die! The vast Chinese empire will collapse completely in a few days!
Three elders sneered, "I will never give up this northern mainland. Let you taste the sweetness for a while and you will feel better later."
64 Chapter 64 Li Qian raid
After leaving Wusheng Pavilion, the bearded counselor did not choose to leave the Sifang mainland directly, but went to the Yanhuang Empire for a turn!
Looking at these people who live and work in peace and contentment and run their own Japanese empire, his mouth raised an intriguing range.
They don’t know what will happen next, and they can’t imagine how powerful their enemy Wu Shengge Sect is.
If we want to stand for all the years and remain immortal, we can’t find ten forces in the whole Xinghai.
Wu Shengge is one!
Wushengge’s martial status is just like Ziyashan’s immortal status, which is worshipped by the world, and Ziyashan is unwilling to provoke.
There are only twenty people who practice martial arts in Xinghai, and Wusheng Pavilion accounts for more than half! There are many flag saints, and there are countless Jin Xian.
To the best of Xinghai’s influence, it is necessary to spend some time on Longshan butler with hundreds of planes, so it is necessary to deal with an unimportant branch in the lower plane of Wusheng Pavilion.
It’s a pity that the emperor of the Chinese Empire is ignorant of Mount Tai, but he insists on fighting with the Wusheng Pavilion branch because of a little fart in the eyes of a bearded counselor.
The long-bearded counselor remembers that in recent thousands of years, Wu Shengge Sect attacked three times with thunder, challenging two equipotential planes and one higher plane of Wu Shengge Wei.
Every attack is a massacre, and on average, every attack takes no more than three hours from landing to the end of the battle.
Is that from his plane knot nearly ten million territory (Jin Xian) and nearly one hundred thousand quasi-holy high plane also didn’t have the Wu Shengge army hand for five hours!
The long-bearded counselor once heard a lucky man say that Wusheng Pavilion attacked the high plane and had a thrilling battle.
Wusheng Pavilion dispatched two venerable persons and dozens of top saints. The high plane was torn apart by the aftermath of the battle, and even the sun star on that plane was broken!
The nearly 10 million Jin Xian and 100,000 quasi-Shengwu Pavilion players all died out, and the higher plane body became an abandoned plane.
The bearded counselor was afraid to think about the scene.
The higher planes are so much worse, the square continent, an ordinary lower plane!
The ruler of the Yanhuang Empire is still relying on his own hands, and the army is eyeing the North China.
I didn’t know that if Wu Shengge Sect had to shoot his horse, his head would fall to the ground and his proud territory would turn to dust in an instant.